
0k, this time I will write some messages that I stored in the mobile phone ..
instead to show off personal problems but I just want to perpetuate these messages if something unexpected happens on the
my mobile phone .. hehe
this's it ... the messages you might think just simple and usually, but this is was amazing for me ..

Engkau yang sedang patah hati,menangislah dan jgn ragu
ungkapkan btpa pedih hati yg tersakiti
racun yg membunuhmu secara perlahan 
engkau yg saat ini pilu,btpa menanggung beban kepedihan
tumpahkan skit itu dalam tangismu yg menusuk rlung hati yg paling dalam.
hnya diri sendiri yg tak mungkin org lain akan mengerti
disini ku temani kau dalam tangismu
bila air mata dapat cairkan hati,kan ku cabut duri perih dalam hatimu
agar kulihat senyum ditidurmu malam nanti
anggaplahsemua ini,1 langkah dewsakan diridan tak terpungkirijg bagiku
selamat tidur,dk..:)

Dk,,ini bg jujur y..
gak ada dibuat2
bg bsukuur bgt bsa sama kmu
alhmduillah...smpe tiap saat bg mikirin kmu,,bg tkut bgt suatu saat kmu pergi
bg bneran tkut dk..bg gag ad dkitpun nyesal
bg mau kita lewatin smua sma2

Nduuut,,bg sygg bgt ma kmu..gag pa2 kok kmu gak yakin,tp bg tetep teguhyakin dalm hati bg
klo wanita yg bakal mendmpinginbg tu kmu...
drtd bg kpikiran kata2 kmu,,tpi stelah bg pkirin smua gag ada salahnya jga kalo kmu gak yakin,kamu kn btuh seorng yg bnar2 bisa nglindungin kmu nnti..
bg jg gak masalh kalo baru bg sndri yg yakin ma hub ini,yg pentg bg tetep sama kmu ndut,,udah itu aja

Bg jg keinget kmu..
bg gak pernah ngrasa sygg k se2orang mpe kayak gni..
rasanya bg siap nglakuin apa aja biar sama2 kamu trus..

The above message will be proof that I ever felt a great love,, hope subsequent messages continue,,,:)


18.03.2011 ..
Yups,, was none other than the date, month and year .. hehe
guys, tonight I'm so glad, I was getting a second life of someone who is very, very I love and I love ...
he's the best I have ever experienced ..
he was there when I needed ..
I'm very comfortable when nearby, I'm comfortable when looking at his eyes ..
and for this night I pray, I hope he could be the last for me .. last one for my love ..
because he has stolen half my soul, my heart, and my life ..
i love you Mohammad Habibullah ...
and it really takes up all the time and my thoughts ..

: *